LCHF, Low Carb High Fat Diet

The Journey into LCHF

Recently embarked on a LCHF diet hoping to lose some weight through "proper" diet. YES! High Fat Low Carb.

Had previously tried eating clean, boiled vegetables(big mistake, roast them!), chicken breast, eggs without dressing, yes I had substantial weight lost, but I was "not living", the diet work but failed badly on sustainability, I was always left hungry, unsatisfied, craving for more.

Week 1 into LCHF...

It was surprisingly easy to adopt, considering I'm a rice, noodles and bread guy. It can get real expensive initially because you have to supplement the lost in portion with more servings of meat/vegs and the like.

Shortly I find myself eating a pretty strict LCHF diet, sad to say I could do better without those deep fry chicken(they are the most accessible), best you can do is roasted/grilled imho preferably not laden with all the nasty high saturated/sugar stuff. Herbs, anyone?

It can be quite counterintuitive to consume high fat, but it kind of make sense and when I say high fat, I mean the fats that nature intended, animal fats etc(ironically I used to dodge chicken skin, lard like a plague), not those high in fat processed product. I'm no dietitian but I don't think humans were meant to eat processed high carb food.

Quick Review

1 week into the diet I noticed gradual weight lost, about 1kg+/-, I don't feel as hungry as before(past the initial stage), cannot comment on improved energy level because I haven't exactly been clocking enough hours on my bed.

My sample size however, is still too small for a proper review, will blog about it a month into the diet, stay tuned and wish me luck! :)


smile the constipated way!: LCHF, Low Carb High Fat Diet

Sunday, April 6, 2014

LCHF, Low Carb High Fat Diet

The Journey into LCHF

Recently embarked on a LCHF diet hoping to lose some weight through "proper" diet. YES! High Fat Low Carb.

Had previously tried eating clean, boiled vegetables(big mistake, roast them!), chicken breast, eggs without dressing, yes I had substantial weight lost, but I was "not living", the diet work but failed badly on sustainability, I was always left hungry, unsatisfied, craving for more.

Week 1 into LCHF...

It was surprisingly easy to adopt, considering I'm a rice, noodles and bread guy. It can get real expensive initially because you have to supplement the lost in portion with more servings of meat/vegs and the like.

Shortly I find myself eating a pretty strict LCHF diet, sad to say I could do better without those deep fry chicken(they are the most accessible), best you can do is roasted/grilled imho preferably not laden with all the nasty high saturated/sugar stuff. Herbs, anyone?

It can be quite counterintuitive to consume high fat, but it kind of make sense and when I say high fat, I mean the fats that nature intended, animal fats etc(ironically I used to dodge chicken skin, lard like a plague), not those high in fat processed product. I'm no dietitian but I don't think humans were meant to eat processed high carb food.

Quick Review

1 week into the diet I noticed gradual weight lost, about 1kg+/-, I don't feel as hungry as before(past the initial stage), cannot comment on improved energy level because I haven't exactly been clocking enough hours on my bed.

My sample size however, is still too small for a proper review, will blog about it a month into the diet, stay tuned and wish me luck! :)



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